
The Milesians material
Thales すべては水
Anaximander 根源はindefinite & boundless
Anaximines aer, earth は flat で浮いている
rejected olympian gods as the greatest
God is one, unmoving, all-seeing, all-hearing, all-thinking, But we cannot know (Agnoticism)
always changing, yet always the same.
It was always and is and shall be 始まりも終わりも無い
logos = single divine law of the universe. its physical sign is fire. / logosはcommonなのに勘違いしてprivate な理解を持っていると思っている凡人が多い。
opposites are the same, opposites are the genuine unity (下り坂と上り坂は同じ道)
all things are ONE.
Relativism (value is relative)
sensory perception is reliable
change is people's allusion. there is no change.
therefore, 始まりも終わりも無い
いつもあるか、いつも無いか、しか有り得ない。 nothing からsomething が生まれるわけはない
sense perception is not reliable. / the only way of inquiry is thinking. (Path of Persuasion) / thinking = being
Original monist (existence is ONE)
Parminidesの若い恋人 (ここに出てくる人らは皆ゲイ、っていうか古代ギリシャでは美少年と恋愛するのは普通だったのかな?)
no motion, no change 飛ぶ矢は静止している
Plurarists abstract
everything is mixed together, everything has everything, だからInfinitely divisible。all things are equal. でも、mindは特別だったみたい。mindはpure。
rotating cosmos 遠心力(centrifugal force)によってすべてが離れていった。
Leucippus & Democritus
shape, arrangement, position によって違う物を作る
void の中で動いている voidが無いと動けないから必要
atomos never touch but come very close to each other
atomos are uncuttable, each atom has different shape and size (shape and size are their only properties)
sensationは legitimate judgementでは無い
Protagoras Gorgias
They don't care about truth, just want to show they can convince anyone anything どうせホントのことなんてわかんないんだから、真実を探求するのは無駄
Rhetoric = art of persuading people
trust sense-perception / relativistic